GUN RUST PREVENTIONHow to keep guns from rusting: No doubt most folks interested in being prepared will also have an interest in owning a gun as part of their preparations and strategy. Whether they shoot the gun regularly or it spends most of its life in a gun safe a certain amount of care must taken to preserve the condition and functionality of a firearm.
Many folks buy guns made from polymer frames and rust resistant material like stainless steel thinking that rust and corrosion are not an issue based on their choice. This is not entirely true. While some guns are more resistant to rust and corrosion than others no gun is completely immune. Furthermore some of these rust and corrosion resistant guns require specialized maintenance to protect them.
What about permanent protective gun coatings? There are aftermarket coatings that can protect most gun components unbelievably well. However they can not be used on every single part. Even if a gun was impervious to the elements something as simple as dust can eventually lead to a gun that may not function properly. Dust when combined with dried up grease and oil can be a pretty sticky. That’s a subject for another post. Just remember this.
All guns need routine maintenance!

My Favorite Rust Prevention Gun Oils
What Causes a Gun to Rust?
What causes a gun to rust? most folks will answer swiftly “water or moisture cause a gun to rust”. Of course that response is accurate but only part of the story.
Environment – When I refer to environment I refer to both the year round environment based on your locality as well as where you store your guns.
Human Contact – The oils and acids that come from our own skin are very corrosive. I have seen beautifully blued 1911 Colts with rusty finger prints permanently etched in the slides.
Dust, Dirt and Debris – Any foreign substance on the gun has the potential to hold moisture or be corrosive. Did you ever notice the rusty dusty gun in a wall mount gun rack?
How To Prevent Rust On Guns!
How to keep guns from rusting: The first step in preventing rust on your guns is to keep them in a climate controlled environment in the house. Do whatever you can to keep the air as dry as possible where your guns are stored. If you live in an area that has salty air and or humid air more steps will need to be taken to prevent rust on guns than someone living in the Arizona desert.
Don’t leave guns in contact with untreated materials that readily absorb and hold moisture.
The next step is to make certain the gun is properly cleaned and lubricated. Not cleaning the gun has two negative effects. First the contaminates themselves can cause rust and corrosion. Secondly where the gun is dirty and contaminated it can’t be properly lubricated and protected.
A properly cleaned and lubricated gun will go a long way towards preventing rust and corrosion.
How To Prevent Rust In Gun Safes!
How to keep guns from rusting: Gun safes are great for protecting firearms from getting in the wrong hands but they are also a perfect setup that can lead to a gun becoming rusty. Often is the case some guns will sit in the back of a safe untouched for years. They are no longer the favorite gun or a shooter is simply too busy to use it. That lack of attention can eventually lead to rust and corrosion of your once favorite gun. Making matters worse if a guns surface is unprotected the oils and acids from your hands will inadvertently end up on the unused guns as you move them about the safe.
How Do I Prevent Rust On My Guns During Storage?
My current living arrangement requires me to keep gun safes in room that sees similar climate conditions as an attached garage or basement. Not happy about this but I can’t change it either. I live in New England and my guns are exposed to climate extremes particularly dampness and high humidity. Summers her can be quite tropical while the other three seasons can be pretty cold, rainy and damp.
Dehumidify the Space !
Room Dehumidifiers are a great way of controlling the climate where you store your gun safes. There are however two significant drawbacks. Those drawbacks are cost to operate and draining the reservoir. Depending on room size running a dehumidifier can cost as much as a refrigerator or air conditioner. At my last home I was spending about $50 additional per month during humid months. My preference for Dehumidifier brands is Friedrich, Frigidaire and Honeywell.
Dehumidify Your Gun Safe
I am currently using a single Peet Gun Safe Dryer as a dehumidifier in each of my safes. Powering the units may or may not be a challenge depending on your safe. By using the Peet Gun safe Dryer I am avoiding the need for a whole room dehumidifier. Ideally I would use both methods but the little woman is thrifty and no longer lets me operate the Honeywell dehumidifier referenced above.
In my opinion the only negative of the Peet Gun Safe Dryer Dehumidifier is it does take up some floor space in a safe.
By the way Peet is the company that manufactures boot dryers. Similar technology is applied to their safe dryers.

Ballistol Gun Wipes
Ballistol may be one of the oldest names in gun oil, gun cleaner and of course rust preventive. It’s quite effective at everything it’s designed to do and more. One of the things that makes Ballistol a top choice as a gun lube and rust preventative is it safe on wood and most wood finishes. No ruined gun stock or pistol grips with Ballistol. Expand the section below to read all the manufacturers hype.
Ballistol is one of my favorite gun cleaner, gun lubricants and protectants. Ballistol is available in cans , spray bottles and wipes. I prefer wipes though many shooters prefer sprays so the solvent can be carried in to the guns nooks, crannies and crevices.
Ballistol .....Continue Reading
Ballistol was developed for the German Army who requested an oil that would lubricate, clean, protect and preserve firearms and gun stocks as well as preserve leather gear. It is unmatched for cleaning firearms and minimizes the need for brushing and scraping barrels and chambers. It forms a protective film on the surface of metals and is capable of creeping into the finest cracks and fissures making Ballistol and excellent “penetrant” to help loosen frozen nuts and bolts. It will even protect wet surfaces. Unlike most lubricants, Ballistol emulsifies with water; when the water evaporates, Ballistol stays behind to protect the metal, plastic, wood or leather.
Ballistol will keep all smooth leathers soft and moisturized (do not use on suede). It is also non-toxic and biodegradable; neither its use, disposal or decomposition will produce any by-products that are harmful to the environment. Coca Cola and many of Germany’s famous breweries use Ballistol as does Bizerba, one of the largest precision scale manufacturers, who specifies Ballistol because it never gets sticky or increases friction over time. It’s also a great silver and brass polish. Human sweat and skin oils are slightly acidic; their effect is similar to the etching process. Ballistol is slightly alkaline and neutralizes this effect. Of course Ballistol is also perfect for all the household chores any normal oil will do, but why settle for a “normal” oil when you can have one product that does so much more.
Ballistol cleans and removes all types of bore fouling. Cleaning with Ballistol will save you time, minimize the need for brushing, and also form a protective film on your firearm. Due to its slight alkalinity, Ballistol neutralizes and dissolves black powder and corrosive ammo residue. In addition, Ballistol will beautify gun stocks, and prevent them from drying out. As a lubricant, Ballistol will never gum up or harden. With Ballistol, your entire firearm will stay lubricated and protected.
Ballistol is fully compatible with all metals including aluminum. However, Ballistol dissolves traces of copper, zinc, lead and tombac and can, therefore, be used to clean brass, bronze and silver. Read more about Ballistol for metal care.
Ballistol is an excellent smokeless powder cleaning solvent. It will “melt” carbon deposits in the barrel and chamber.
Most corrosion inhibiting lubricants can only protect against normal oxidation. They do so by covering up the surface, which they are supposed to protect, and prevent contact with water and air. Due to its alkalinity Ballistol can also protect against galvanic corrosion, acidic corrosion, and salt water corrosion.
Due to the anti-oxidants contained in it, Ballistol will never harden or gum up, and retains its lubricity over extended periods of exposure. Read more about Ballistol’s longevity.
Gun Stocks
Using Ballistol to maintain wooden gun stocks is particularly recommendable in climates with frequent rain and/or high relative humidity. Wood absorbs water and swells as a consequence. This may mean your stocks become bigger, wider and longer as they absorb more and more water. Before long they will no longer fit your gun or even crack. Ballistol will also prevent wood from drying out in hot arid climates.
Ballistol will not damage wood stocks; conversely, Ballistol seals and protects wooden stocks of firearms. In fact, Ballistol brings out the grain and luster of old wood. Read more about Ballistol’s uses on wood.
Ballistol is also safe to use on composite polycarbonate stocks.
Black Powder Solvent
Due to its alkaline character, Ballistol is ideal for cleaning and maintaining black powder firearms. The residues from black powder in chambers and bores are acidic. Ballistol neutralizes and dissolves them. This eliminates the need for aggressive solvents.
Since Ballistol emulsifies with water, mix one part Ballistol and two parts water to make one of the best black powder solvents available.
Corrosive Ammo
Again, due to its alkalinity, Ballistol neutralizes corrosive ammo residue. Ballistol can be used straight or as an emulsification to neutralize potassium salts left by corrosive ammo. Use 10% Ballistol to 90% water for an initial flush. Continue regular cleaning with straight Ballistol.
Pro Shot Gun Care Silicone Cleaning Cloth
I have been using silicone cloths on my guns for decades. I keep them everywhere my guns are. I keep them in my range bag so I can wipe down my guns as soon as I’m done shooting. For years I used the Birchwood Casey exclusively. These days I use the Pro Shot Silicone Cloth. Im not sure if the Birchwood Casey has changed negatively or the Pro Shot Silicone Cloth is just a superior product. My use for the Pro Shot Silicone Cloth is mostly for keeping the guns exterior clean and lubricated right after handling. I do a lot of handling for photographic purposes. The Pro Shot Silicone Cloth can be used a rust preventive for storing your guns just be sure it’s safe for your wood finishes and polymer parts.

Pro Shot Gun Care Silicone Cleaning Cloth .....Continue Reading
Pro-Shot “Silicone Cloth” is made of double napped 100% cotton flannel, and it is double treated with pure silicone. It helps to remove fingerprints, as well as potentially corrosive epidermal oils. Pro-Shot’s “Silicon Cloth” both polishes and cleans, and it has quickly become a shooter’s favorite! Packaged in a resealable poly bag for keeping silicone cloth clean and moist after use.

Sentry Solutions TUF-CLOTH
Sentry Solutions TUF-CLOTH is like a silicone impregnated cloth but it doesn’t contain silicone. This is a product I stumbled across researching what products other shooter use to protect their guns finish and function. All comments state to buy the Tuff Cloth in the jar rather than bag. I guess the bagged product dries out. I’m currently testing this as a rust preventive in my gun safes.
Sentry Solutions TUF-CLOTH .....Continue Reading
Micro-Bonding Oil-Free Shield, will not Attract Dirt. Oil-free technology provides a revolutionary upgrade from oil and silicone rags; delivers lubrication and protection for today’s firearms, knives, tactical gear and collectibles. Quick clean on your gun bench, the range or in the field. Spill-proof pack; long-lasting, lint-free impregnated cloth.
- Slick action in any temperature – won’t thicken from cold or thin out from heat
- Stops rust
- Micro-bonded shield
- Displaces moisture
- Prevents fingerprint damage, tarnishing & dulling
- Gives metal a non-stick barrier
- Grit-free reliability
- Great for all conditions, metals & finishes, safe for wood and plastic
Zerust VC2-2 Rust Inhibitor Capsule
I use the Zerust VC2-2 Rust Inhibitor Capsules as a layer of rust preventative in my gunsafes. I use three Zerust VC-2 per safe and replace them yearly even though they are technically good for two years. Admittedly I leave the one year old Zerust capsules in the safe for the second year. There’s always 6 Zerust capsules in each safe. I throw away the oldest every year. This might be overkill but I would rather be safe then sorry. It should also be noted that the Zerust capsules are what Browning sells to prevent guns from rusting in their safes.

Zerust Capsule Coverage Area

Zerust VC2-2 Rust Inhibitor.....Continue Reading
Use Zerust®/Excor Vapor Capsules to protect multiple metal types from corrosion in almost any enclosure or sealed packaging. Zerust diffusers emit Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors (VCI) that prevent oxidation of the metal surface that causes rust. They provide targeted corrosion protection in hard to reach spaces and additional protection to metals in Zerust VCI packaging applications.
Zerust capsules are quick and easy to install. Simply peel back the protective paper from the adhesive tape and install securely in desired location. Tightly seal the enclosure to trap protective vapor inside. Metals will be protected from rust and tarnish for up to one or two years depending on the capsule model and environment.
Safe and effective corrosion protection where traditional anticorrosion methods can not be used
Easy to install, economical to use
Does not affect the circuit boards or sensitive components
Suitable for new equipment and to protect the reliability of existing equipment
Application Type:
During Operation
May be used with Zerust Packaging
Protected Metal Types:
Multimetal protection for steel, iron, zinc, and galvanized steel, copper, brass, bronze, aluminum (and alloys), nickel, tin, solder.

Humidity Indicator Cards
Humidity Indicator Cards are an inexpensive visual indicator of the humidity level of the atmosphere. I use them in Zcorr and Zerust bags that store my guns and ammunition. They change from blue to pink based on humidity. Pink means humid. Pink = a rusty gun.
Humidity Indicator Cards .....Continue Reading
- Reusable Premium Humidity Indicator Cards(Reusable More than 20 Times) – Cards should not be in Direct Contact with Foods or Medications
- When You Initially Open the Card, All Dots Sometimes React and Change Color Because They are Exposed to Sudden Humidity Change. If You Wait for About 30 minutes, the Card will Calibrate and You will be able to Read the Humidity Level. – 6 Spots Humidity Indicating(10%/20%/30%/40%/50%/60% RH – Clear Color Change)
- Strictly Tested for Clear Color Change – Indicator Changes Blue to Pink – Blue(Dry) to Pink(Humid)
- Our Humidity Indicator Card is the highest quality in the industry for Humidity Measurement.
- CONTINUOUSLY & ACCURATELY Displays Humidity Level – If the humidity level becomes lower, the strip will change back to blue (the original color). Just because the color has changed to the next level does not mean it cannot go back to the previous color. The colors will change depending on the humidity level. Colors may fade with long term use of more than 20 times
10 Gram Blue Indicating Desiccants
As mentioned elsewhere on this page I prefer to store my guns in Zerust and Zcorr bags. As another layer of rust preventive I throw a few desiccants in with guns. It’s important to remove as much air as possible in the bags. Less air is easier to control and treat. I buy 10 Gram Blue Indicating Desiccants in bulk online. They are inexpensive.For long guns much larger desiccants can be used. I like smaller ones placed throughout the bag rather than one big one. Economics might help you decide which way to go. For handguns I use two or three per gun.
Like the humidity indicator cards the desiccants also turn blue to pink. They are also re-usable.

10 Gram Blue Indicating Dessicants .....Continue Reading
Interteck Packaging supplies highest quality absorbents and adsorbent products in the moisture absorbing industry. Interteck’s products have been developed and tested in our manufacturing partners laboratories through stringent guidelines, research and development. Leading players from the pharmaceutical, electronics, food safety, transportation, government and other industries rely on Interteck and our manufacturing partners for effective moisture control solutions to their moisture control problems. Inteteck supplies desiccants that come in a multitude of shapes, sizes and compounds and can be designed to accommodate any application. Our ability to customize the delivery method of our moisture absorbers, along with our disciplined quality standards and cutting edge technology has placed Interteck and our manufacturers at the front of the desiccants and moisture absorption industry.
- Easy to Read Blue to Pink Indicating Silica Gel Packets gives Quick Visual conformation, letting you Know it’s to Switch out your Product.
- Our Indicating Silica Gel helps Control Moisture, Mildew, Mold, and Corrosion. Common Uses for Protecting Important Valuables include; Firearms / Ammo Cans, Clothing, Camera Equipment / Electronics, Documents, Photographs, Jewelry, and Books.
- Each Stand-up Pouch of Indicating Silica Packets is Packaged with Low Moisture Vapor Transmission Film to ensure Product Quality. Every Product will arrive Air Tight and Factory Sealed in our Resealable Barrier Pouch.
- Indicating Silica Gel Packets can be Reactivated by Placing in a Convection Oven for 2.0-3.5 hours at 200-240F Or Microwave for About 0.5-2 Minutes in LOW Power. DO NOT use over 250F in the Oven. Packet Recharge may be Faster than the recommended time. Please check on your Packets Periodically to ensure a proper recharge.
- Customers May Receive Product with Old Packaging Design for a Short Period of Time
Zcorr Bluguard VCI Anti Rust Pistol Bag
Zcorr Anti Rust Pistol Bags (Bluguard VCI™), watch the video. The pistol bags are also great for other small items like ammunition, knives and reloading dies and accessories.
Note: ZCORR™ products are now part of the Bluguard VCI™ product line by Heritage Packaging.
Zcorr Bluguard VCI Anti Rust Pistol Bag .....Continue Reading
The ZCORR Bluguard VCI Vacuum Pistol Bag was designed to protect most small arms from corrosion and general contamination. The vacuum valve and 100% water proof and airtight zipper closure allow this bag to maintain its enhanced preservation qualities for extended periods of time in multitudes of environments. Depending on a firearm’s overall height, optics may remain mounted and are unaffected by VpCI molecules, extra clips can also be stored with the firearm. As always, optics should be stored with caps on. The Universal Pistol Bags are the most convenient storage and preservation solution for smaller firearms ranging from a small .380 to the larger 1911. Vacuum Series firearm storage bags are ideal for firearms that are subjected to changing climates, harsh climates, or for those who want the industry’s most Fail-Safe protection.
Depending on use, firearms can be stored rust free for 5+ years.
To use a Vacuum Series firearm bag effectively:
1. Clean your firearm as recommended by the manufacturer and slide it into the bag.
2. Press the heavy duty zipper closure shut.
3. Place any house hold vacuum hose over the one way valve and remove air.
To remove the firearm simply:
1. Open the zipper closure and remove your firearm.
2. VCI technology leaves be hind no residues so firearms are ready to be used right out of the bag… unlike messy oils & greases. We advise against placing firearms inside gun socks before placing them in ZCORR Bluguard VCI Collector Series Storage Bags as they may inhibit the effectiveness of the VCI chemistry.
BluGuard VCI Anti Corrosion Rifle Bag
BluGuard VCI Anti Corrosion Rifle Bag (Formerly Zcorr) Watch the video in the pistol bag section above.
Zcorr Anti Rust Rifle Bag .....Continue Reading
ZCORR Vacuum bags are now even stronger due to an added reinforcing layer which further reduces the threat of tears or punctures. The ZCORR Vacuum Shotgun/Rifle Bag was designed to protect rifles and shotguns that may have large clips or optics installed on them from corrosion and general contamination. Depending on a firearm’s overall height, optics may remain mounted and are unaffected by VCI molecules. As always, optics should be stored with caps on. The vacuum valve and 100% water proof and airtight zipper closure allow this bag to maintain its enhanced preservation qualities for extended periods of time in multitudes of environments. Vacuum Series firearm storage bags are ideal for firearms that are subjected to changing climates, harsh climates, or for those who want the industry’s most Fail-Safe protection. Depending on use, firearms can be stored rust free for 5+ years.
To use a Vacuum Series firearm bag effectively:
1. Clean your firearm as recommended by the manufacturer and slide it into the bag.
2. Press the heavy duty zipper closure shut.
3. Place any house hold vacuum hose over the one way valve and remove air.
To remove the firearm simply:
1. Open the zipper closure and remove your firearm.
2. VCI technology leaves be hind no residues so firearms are ready to be used right out of the bag… unlike messy oils & greases. We advise against placing firearms inside gun socks before placing them in ZCORR Collector Series Storage Bags as they may inhibit the effectiveness of the VCI chemistry.
Note: ZCORR™ products are now part of the Bluguard VCI™ product line by Heritage Packaging.